'BEDSHEET BINGO'  (Prochaska, 2023)

9" 33" DOR  TET Mid Late Season Bloom FRAG 

3 Way Branching 12 buds UF-Cascade

(Super Model X Matchless Fire) 

Rich Maroon Red pinched petals with a wide delicate lighter coral pink cream watermark over an intense green throat.  Petals and sepals have  lighter edges.  Sepals recurve.

                                                                   $60.00 DBL Fan

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'KITCHEN SINK' (Prochaska, 2023)

10" 32" DOR TET Mid Season Bloom

3 Way Branching 15 Buds     UF-Quilled Crispate/Spatulate

(Cameroon's Twister X Seedling)

Purple flowers with a large wide faded watermark that blends into a large white to green throat.  The petals have  lighter midribs and are edged in pale yellow.  The sepals are quilled.

                                                                              $60.00 DBL Fan

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'SMILIN POSSUM'  (Prochaska, 2023)

8"  48" DOR TET Mid Late Bloom Season

3 Way Branching  19 Buds     UF-Cascade

(Seedling X Seedling)

Rose colored flower with a watermark and large green throat.  Petals and Sepals are edged in white and the petals have white teeth that start halfway from the throat and extend to the tip of the petals.  There are lighter midribs and the sepals recurve.                                                                $60.00 DBL Fan

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'SWORD OF THE KING'  (Prochaska, 2023)

8.5" 36" DOR TET  Mid Bloom Season   FRAG

3 Way Branching   18 Buds      UF-Cascade

(Larry's Twilight Bite X Seedling)

Purple with some darker veining on the petals accented by lighter partial midribs.  The petals have a yellow to green ruffled toothy edge and a violet band showing off a large green throat. The sepals have a lighter irregular edge.

                                                                         $60.00 DBL Fan

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'TEN INCHES OF SEXY YELLOW' (Prochaska, 2023)

10" 44"  DOR TET Mid Bloom Season 

4 Way Branching  24 Buds     UF-Cascade

(Seedling X Seedling)

Bright Yellow flower with lighter yellow veining and light yellow midribs with light ruffling around a fluorescent green throat.                                                            $60.00 DBL Fan

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'VON ABRAMS CRAZY EIGHTS' (Prochaska, Doug, 2023)  

9" 36"  DIP DOR Mid Late Bloom Season

3 Way Branching   20 Buds    UF-Crispate/Cascade

(Unkown X Unknown)

Sunfast dark red purple, small yellow to white throat, with twisted sepals and recurved petals.  UF form that changes by the day.  Pod parent, and extremely fertile pollen. 

*'Von Abrams Crazy Eights'  was the parent of a majority of selected seedlings in 2022 for saturated color, green throats , and size.                                                         $60.00 DBL Fan

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